
One of the World's

Leading HPLC Columns

Luna HPLC Information

One of the World's Leading HPLC Columns

Dependable, ultra-pure silica-based HPLC columns that offer an extensive variety of selectivities which are scalable from micro-bore to preparative and purification scale solutions.

  • Extensive line of rugged USP phases
  • Wide pH stability for long column lifetime and method flexibility
  • Easy method scalability from Fast LC to Preparative and Bulk Purification
  • Explore Luna

  • Proven

  • Maximum

  • Ultra High


Introducing Luna Omega

Enhanced with 20 Years of technology, innovation, and experience, Luna Omega 1.6µm columns build upon the Luna legacy to now provide incredible UHPLC performance and selectivity. With Luna Omega columns you gain:

  • Greater separation muscle
  • Better peak shape through an inert foundation
  • Extreme ruggedness and dependability

Thermal Modified Pore Structure

Elimination of micropores, further improves column efficiency, inertness, and reproducibility.

Absence of

Luna Omega C18

Rugged C18 with focus on strong hydrophobic retention of non-polar and polar compounds.

Particle Size (µm): ID (mm):
1.6 1.0 (Microbore)
2.1 (Minibore)

Luna Omega Polar C18

100 % aqueous stability and enhanced selectivity/retention for polar analytes without diminishing useful non-polar retention

Particle Size (µm): ID (mm):
1.6 1.0 (Microbore)
2.1 (Minibore)
3 2.1 (Minibore)
3.0 (MidBore™)
4.6 (Analytical)
5 2.1 (Minibore)
3.0 (MidBore™)
4.6 (Analytical)
10 (Semi-Prep)
21.2-50 (Prep)

Luna Omega PS C18

Unique mixed-mode selectivity with enhanced retention for polar acids, better peak shape for bases and 100% aqueous stability

Particle Size (µm): ID (mm):
1.6 1.0 (Microbore)
2.1 (Minibore)
3 2.1 (Minibore)
3.0 (MidBore™)
4.6 (Analytical)
5 2.1 (Minibore)
3.0 (MidBore™)
4.6 (Analytical)
10 (Semi-Prep)
21.2-50 (Prep)

See the Technology in Action

Download the Luna product guide and view applications, method development tips and for optimizing separations with Luna UHPLC.HPLC columns.

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Luna HPLC and PREP

As one of the world’s most recognized HPLC brands, Luna is a high quality, industry standard that is incredibly dependable, batch to batch and column to column. With a highly versatile family of selectivities, Luna stationary phases will help drive your method development and leave you at ease with existing methods.

Phase Description Application
Silica(2) Unbonded silica Non-polar compounds
C5 5 Carbon ligand Good alternative to C8 when less retention is desired
C8(2) C8 ligand optimized for improved peak shape Great starting phase for method development
C18(2) C18 ligand optimized for improved peak shape From capillary LC/MS to process scale Our most popular phase
CN Versatile CN phase For improving the retention of polar compounds
NH2 Rugged and reproducible NH Sugar alcohols, anionic or hydrogen bonding compounds
Phenyl-Hexyl Phenyl phase attached to C6 (hexyl) ligand Unique selectivity for very polar and aromatic compounds
SCX Benzene sulfonic acid Amine and polyamine containing compounds
HILIC Reproducible, cross-linked diol Increased retention and MS sensitivity of polar compounds
PFP(2) Pentafluorophenyl with a C3 (propyl) linkage Highly polar compounds, halogenated compounds and isomers


Particle Sizes (µm)3
Pore Size (Å)100
Surface Area (sq. m/g)
Carbon Load (%)
Compare All Phases

Omega SUGAR Phase Information

SWEEET!! You found it!


The NEW Luna Omega SUGAR breaks ground as it combines the performance benefits of thermally modified fully porous particles with a novel HILIC stationary phase that excels at polar compound retention and selectivity.

  • Improved carbohydrate retention and separation with novel HILIC selectivity
  • Enhanced lifetime with highly robust and efficient thermally modified fully porous particle
  • QC tested for sugars to ensure reliable quality



Application and Product Guide

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Stationary Phase Detail

Novel HILIC Selectivity

Combined amide/amino stationary phase and polar endcapping offers enhanced HILIC retention of sugars through multiple interaction mechanisms.

Thermally Modified Fully Porous Particle

Proprietary particle processing eliminates micropores, further improving column efficiency, inertness, and reproducibility.






Excellent Sugar Separation Examples

Milks     Animal Feed     Wines     Soft Drinks     Fruit

PhaseParticle Sizes (µm)Pore Size (Å)Surface Area (sq. m/g)Carbon Load (%)Recommended Use
C183, 5, 1010044019Separation of hydrophobic compounds
C18(2)2.5, 3, 5, 10, 1510040017.5Separation of hydrophobic compounds
C55, 1010044012.5Separation of extremely hydrophobic compounds
C83, 5, 1010044014.75Separation of very hydrophobic compounds
C8(2)3, 5, 10, 1510040013.5Separation of very hydrophobic compounds
CN3, 5, 101004007Separation of polar compounds
HILIC3, 5200200*5.7Separation of polar compounds
NH23, 5, 101004009.5Separation of polar compounds
Omega C181.610026011.0
Omega Polar C181.6, 3, 510026011.0
Omega PS C181.6, 3, 510026011.0
Omega SUGAR3100N/A
PFP(2)3, 5100400N/ASeparation of aromatic and halogenated compounds
Phenyl-Hexyl3, 5, 10, 1510040017.5Separation of aromatic compounds
PREP C18(2)10100N/A
PREP C18(3)10100N/A
PREP C410100N/A
PREP C8(2)10100N/A
PREP C8(3)10100N/A
PREP Phenyl-Hexyl10100N/A
PREP Silica(2)10100N/A
PREP Silica(3)10100N/A
SCX5, 101004000.55 % Sulfur LoadSeparation of positively charged compounds
Silica (2)3, 5, 10, 15100400N/ASeparation of polar compounds
Document Type:
Document Type Title
Technical Notes 15 Sugars Analyzed by LC-RI using Luna Omega SUGAR LC Columns Add to My Documents
Brochures 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Luna Omega HPLC/UHPLC Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes 65 California Pesticides Analysis from Cannabis by LC-MS/MS using Luna Omega Polar C18 LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes A Single Column and Mobile Phase Workflow for LC-MS/MS Analysis of a Comprehensive Drug Research Panel and Ethanol Metabolites (TN-1227) Add to My Documents
Brochures Amazing LC Columns for Cannabis Testing Add to My Documents
Brochures Amazing LC Columns For Food Testing Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Amlodipine Besylate USP Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analysis and Quantitation of Pre-Workout Powder Components in Matrix by LC/UV using Luna® 3 μm HILIC HPLC Column (TN-1207) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analysis of Desmopressin from Human Plasma using Strata-X-CW and a Luna Omega Polar C18 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Atenolol Ph. Eur Monograph Add to My Documents
Brochures Axia- The Ultimate Pre-packed Preparative Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes LC-MS/MS Analysis of Underivitized Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) and Succinic Acid in Plasma Using Strata-X-AW and Luna Omega 1.6 μm PS C18 Add to My Documents
Brochures Cannabis Testing Guide (LC/GC/SP/SFC) Add to My Documents
Brochures Capillary and Trap Column Solutions for Microflow LC Add to My Documents
Other Chromatography Bulk Media and PREP Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Clavulanate Potassium USP Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Comparison of two particle morphologies and four C18 phases when applied to the underivatized retention of five carboxylic acids under typical Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Optimization Tips for HILIC Analysis of Basic Compounds (TN-1040) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Cylindrospermopsin and Anatoxin-a in Drinking Water by UHPLC/MS/MS using a Luna® Omega 1.6 μm Polar C18 (EPA Method 545) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Microcystins and Nodularin in Drinking Water by UHPLC/MS/MS using a Luna Omega 1.6 μm Polar C18 (EPA Method 544) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) in Human Serum by LC-MS/MS using a Luna Omega Polar C18 column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Sediments by QuEChERS and LC-MS/MS (TN-0117) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Pesticide Residues in Cannabis by LC-MS/MS (TN-1224) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Sugars in Animal Feed using HPLC-ELSD (TN-1234) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs) from Urine using Luna Omega and Kinetex Polar C18 Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Vitamin B2 and B3 in Human Serum by LC-MS/MS using a Luna Omega Polar C18 Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Development of a 2-step Liraglutide Purification Process on a Single Stationary Phase (TN-1250) Add to My Documents
Other Drugs and Metabolites Guide Add to My Documents
Other Enhanced Polar Selectivity Solutions Add to My Documents
Other Environmental Applications Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Expanded Mycotoxins Analysis in Cannabis Matrices by LC-MS/MS Add to My Documents
Brochures Explore Luna HPLC Columns Add to My Documents
Brochures Extend your Analytical and Preparative HPLC/ SFC Column Lifetimes Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Extraction and Analysis of Plasma Catecholamines and Metanephrines (PMETs) Using Strata-X-CW Microelution SPE and a Luna Omega Polar C18 LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Extraction and Analysis of Urinary Catecholamines by LC-MS/MS Using Strata-X-CW Microelution Solid Phase Extraction and Luna Omega and Kinetex Polar C18 LC Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Extraction and Analysis of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) from Guar Gum by HPLC-UV (TN-1223) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Fast and Simple Analysis of Polyphenols in Red Wine (TN-1166) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Fluconazole Ph. Eur Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Ph. Eur Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Fluticasone Propionate USP Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Glyphosate Analysis by LC/MS/MS using FMOC Derivitization or Underivitized Method Add to My Documents
Other HPLC/UHPLC Column Phase Selection Chart Add to My Documents
Other HPLC/UHPLC Selectivity Poster Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Ibuprofen USP Monograph Add to My Documents
Brochures Improve Your Bioanalytical Assays Today Add to My Documents
Brochures Improve Your European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) and United States (USP) Monographs Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Improved Reversed Phase Retention and Separation of 11 Nucleosides with the Luna® Omega PS C18 HPLC-UHPLC Column_TN64731118 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Increasing LC-MS MS Sensitivity with Luna HILIC Add to My Documents
Brochures Kinetex and Luna Omega : Combined Performance and Selectivity Gains for HPLC/UHPLC Add to My Documents
Technical Notes LC-MS/MS analysis of 23 Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts) from Urine using Luna® Omega 3 μm Polar C18 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes LC/MS/MS Analysis of Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) and Ethyl Sulfate (EtS) from Urine Using a Luna Omega 1.6 μm UHPLC Column (TN-1201) Add to My Documents
Other Looking for a Better LC-MS Column? Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Lovastatin USP Monograph Add to My Documents
Brochures Luna Omega Brochure Add to My Documents
Brochures Luna Omega SUGAR Product and Application Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Metformin Hydrochloride USP Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Metoprolol Tartrate Ph. Eur Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Optimization of the USP HPLC Methodology for Boswellia serrata with Advancements in HPLC/UHPLC Column Chemistry TN-1232 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Oxycodone Hydrochloride Ph. Eur Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Paroxetine Hydrochloride Ph. Eur Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Per-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) from Butter using roQ™ QuEChERS and Strata-X-AW Solid Phase Extraction by LC-MS/MS Add to My Documents
Other Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Applications Guide Add to My Documents
Brochures Pesticide Analysis by GC/LC/Sample Prep Add to My Documents
Technical Notes PFAS Analysis in Water Samples using LC/MS/MS Large-Volume Direct Injection Add to My Documents
Technical Notes PFAS from Milk, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, and Fish using QuEChERS, SPE, and LC-MS/MS Add to My Documents
Other Pharmaceutical Analysis Guide- Formulations Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Pravastatin Sodium Ph. Eur Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Pravastatin Sodium USP Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Rapid Analysis of 125 pesticides from Ground Water by UHPLC-MSMS using Luna Omega 1.6 µm C18 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Rapid Analysis of 23 Per- and Poly-Fluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFASs) by UHPLC-MS/MS using Luna Omega 1.6 μm PS C18 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Reversed Phase HPLC Separation of Sulfa Drugs on a Luna Omega 3 μm Polar C18 Column Add to My Documents
Brochures SecurityGuard Column Protection Family Brochure (UHPLC, HPLC, PREP, SFC) Add to My Documents
Brochures Separating Drugs and Metabolites Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Separation of 12 Polyols and Simple Sugars using the Luna Omega SUGAR Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Separation of 12 Polyols and Simple Sugars using the Luna® Omega SUGAR HPLC/ UHPLC Column – A Novel HILIC Stationary Phase Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Separation of Common Sugar Alcohols Used as Excipients with the Luna® Omega SUGAR LC Column - A Novel HILIC Selectivity (TN-1237) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Separation of Twelve Major Cannabinoids using a Luna Omega Polar C18 in Two Particle Sizes: 3 μm and 5 μm Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Simple Sugars Analysis from Fruit Berries by LC-ELSD using Luna Omega SUGAR LC Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Simple Sugars Analysis from Oyster Sauce by ELSD using Strata ABW and Luna Omega SUGAR LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Simple Sugars Analysis from Soft Drinks using Luna Omega SUGAR LC Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Simple Sugars Analysis from Soy Sauce by ELSD using Strata ABW and Luna Omega SUGAR LC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Simple Sugars Analysis from Wine by LC-RI using Luna Omega SUGAR LC Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Successful Separation of Six Alkyl Sulfonate Esterson Luna®Omega Polar C18 Without the Use of Ion-paring Additives Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Sugar Analysis from Animal Feed using Luna Omega SUGAR LC Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Sugar Analysis from Milk using Luna Omega SUGAR LC Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Tech Note Add to My Documents
Brochures The Alternative Matrix Guide: Hair and Oral Fluid Method Development Add to My Documents
Other THE Clinical Application Notebook, Volume 2 Add to My Documents
Other The Comprehensive Guide to HPLC/UHPLC Reversed Phase Selectivity Add to My Documents
Technical Notes TN-1218: The Impact of Sample Solvent Composition and Injection Volume on Chromatographic Performance and Loading Add to My Documents
Brochures Toxicology Greatest Hits featuring Sample Preparation and LC Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Tramadol Hydrochloride Ph. Eur Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Trimethoprim USP Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Two New Approaches to Analyzing EtS / EtG from Urine (TN-1209) Add to My Documents
Brochures UHPLC Selectivity Guide to Improving UHPLC Column Selectivity Add to My Documents
Other Ultimate Guide to Reversed Phase HPLC/UHPLC - Column Selectivity Selection Poster Add to My Documents
Other USP and EP Monograph Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Vitamin A and E Analysis From Infant Formula Using Luna® 3 μm NH2 per AOAC OMA 2012.10 (TN-1190) Add to My Documents
Brochures 6 Reasons to Try Luna Omega Instead of ACQUITY® BEH Add to My Documents
Technical Notes A Selective Method for Quantitation of Underivatized Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) in Plasma Add to My Documents
Other A Simple, Rapid Method for teh Analysis of Ethephon from Ketchup using Solid Phase Extraction and LCMSMS Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Achiral Stationary Phase Selectivity under SFC Conditions (TN-1041) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analytical Approaches for the Identification and Quantitation of Organic Explosives by LC-HRMS Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Analyzing and Clean-Up of Drugs of Abuse From Hair (TN-0120) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Biotin and Related Substances: Ph. Eur. Monograph 1073 Add to My Documents
Brochures Bulk Media Selection Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Change Selectivity, Not the Stationary Phase, for Synthetic Peptide Multi-Step Purifications (TN-1177) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Choosing the Right UHPLC Column for Analyzing Highly Lipophilic (Non-Polar) Molecules Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Choosing the Right UHPLC Column for Analyzing Highly Polar Acidic Molecules Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Choosing the Right UHPLC Column for Analyzing Strongly Basic Molecules Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Choosing the Right UHPLC Column for General Pharmaceutical Screening Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Choosing the Right UHPLC Column for Highly Polar Basic Compounds Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Choosing the Right UHPLC Column for Intact Peptide Analysis Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Choosing the Right UHPLC Column for Multi-Class LC-MS/MS Screening - Pesticides Panel Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Choosing the Right UHPLC Column for Peptide Mapping Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Clean-up and Analysis of 12 Cannabinoids from Whole Blood using LC-MS/MS (TN-0130) Add to My Documents
Other Clinical Research Sample Preparation Application Guide Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Types in Aviation Fuels and Petroleum Middle Distillates by HPLC: TN-1261 Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Glucosinolates from Cruciferous Vegetable Extracts by HPLC/UV (TN-1157) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Guidelines for HILIC Method Development Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Ivermectin and Related Substances: Ph. Eur. Monograph 1336 Add to My Documents
Brochures Our Most Popular LC Columns for Clinical Research Add to My Documents
Technical Notes LC-MS/MS Analysis of Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) and Ethyl Sulfate (EtS) in Urine using Luna Omega 5 μm Polar C18 HPLC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes LC/MS/MS Analysis of Homocysteine using Luna® Omega 1.6 μm PS C18 UHPLC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes LC/MS/MS Analysis of Mitragynine and 7-OH Mitragynine using Luna Omega 1.6 μm PS C18 UHPLC Column Add to My Documents
Technical Notes LC/MS/MS Analysis of Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts) from Urine and Whole Blood using a Luna® Omega 1.6 μm C18 UHPLC Column and Strata®-X-Drug B Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Luna 2.5 µm C18(2) HST White Paper Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Luna and Luna Omega Care and Use Notes Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Oxytocin (OT) and ARG-Vasopressin (AVP) from Human Plasma by SPE and LC/MS Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Peptide Separations by Cation Exchange HPLC (TN-1024) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Quantitative Analysis of Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in Whole Blood Using Fast SPE and LC-MS/MS (TN-1260) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Rapid Extraction and Analysis of Natural and Synthetic Cannabinoids from Human Urine (TN-0118) Add to My Documents
MSDS Safety Data Sheet for Silica-Based HPLC Columns Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Screening and Confirmation of Synthetic Cannabinoid Urinary Metabolites using Kinetex Core-Shell Columns and a Luna Fully Porous Column (TN-1179) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Thiamin Diphosphate (Vitamin B1) from Whole Blood by LC-Fluorescence Add to My Documents
Other USP Allowable Adjustments Guide Add to My Documents
Other Allowable Adjustments to European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Methods Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Development of a Multi-Step Purification Process for the Purification of Exenatide (TN-1203) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes LC-MS/MS Method of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) in Whole Blood (TN-1222) Add to My Documents
Brochures Luna C18 (3) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Luna Column Selection by Ph. Eur. Listings and Tolerances Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Meeting All Your PREP Needs Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Meeting All Your SFC Needs Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Metformin HCL by HPLC per the USP Monograph Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Optimization of Preparative Production using Axia™ for Increased Purity, Yield and Productivity (TN-1049) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Peptide Purification Method Development: Application for the Purification of Bivalirudin (TN-1129) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Melamine from Food Products by SPE and LC/MS/MS (TN-0019) Add to My Documents
Technical Notes Free Metanephrine (MN) and Normetanephrine (NMN) from Plasma by SPE and LC/MS/MS (TN-0018) Add to My Documents
Brochures Preparative/Process Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs Axia Packed Columns Vs Traditional Packed Preparative Columns (Video) Add to My Documents
Supporting Docs HPLC Column Care Guide Add to My Documents
Phase: Particle Size: Pore Size: Length: Internal Diameter:

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